Shima Ambulance service is an Hostel in Dhaka. The address of Shima Ambulance service is Dhaka 1207. You can book this ambulance over a phone call in this number 01996-649898.
Call Shima Ambulance service Now: 01996-649898
Name: Shima Ambulance service
Service Type: Ambulance
Phone Number for Hire or Rent: 01996-649898
Address: Dhaka 1207
Dhaka 1207
Location: Dhaka
For any more information and questions about Shima Ambulance service, please call this 01996-649898 number. Emergency Helpline of Shima Ambulance service will tell you how to hire or get any service from Shima Ambulance service. You can also ask for emergency ambulance service details like AC,Non AC,ICU,Non ICU and other facilities in Shima Ambulance service, Dhaka by calling this phone number 01996-649898. You can also find more Hostel in Dhaka from our website.
Shima Ambulance service Opening Hours:
24 Hours Open (Emergency Ambulance Service in Dhaka)
People who have used Shima Ambulance service service before said, - about their good quality ambulance in Dhaka.
Call Shima Ambulance service Now: 01996-649898
Details Information about Shima Ambulance service
Name: Shima Ambulance service
Service Type: Ambulance
Phone Number for Hire or Rent: 01996-649898
Address: Dhaka 1207
Dhaka 1207
Location: Dhaka
Get in touch with Shima Ambulance service:
For any more information and questions about Shima Ambulance service, please call this 01996-649898 number. Emergency Helpline of Shima Ambulance service will tell you how to hire or get any service from Shima Ambulance service. You can also ask for emergency ambulance service details like AC,Non AC,ICU,Non ICU and other facilities in Shima Ambulance service, Dhaka by calling this phone number 01996-649898. You can also find more Hostel in Dhaka from our website.
Shima Ambulance service Opening Hours:
24 Hours Open (Emergency Ambulance Service in Dhaka)
People who have used Shima Ambulance service service before said, - about their good quality ambulance in Dhaka.