Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital is a Hospital in Khulna. The address of Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital is New Staff Quarters, Khulna. If you want to book an appointment to Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital, call in this phone number 041-760390.
Name: Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital
Specialty / Type: Hospital
Phone Number for Appointment: 041-760390
Address: New Staff Quarters, Khulna
Location: Khulna
For any more information about Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital, please feel free to call this phone number 041-760390. You will be able to know how to book an appointment with Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital.
For further query call Phone Number of Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital: 041-760390.
Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital Visiting Hours:
Saturday, Open 24 hours; Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours; Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday, Open 24 hours
You can also find more Hospital in Khulna from our website.
Details Information about Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital
Name: Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital
Specialty / Type: Hospital
Phone Number for Appointment: 041-760390
Address: New Staff Quarters, Khulna
Location: Khulna
Book appointment to Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital
For any more information about Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital, please feel free to call this phone number 041-760390. You will be able to know how to book an appointment with Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital.
For further query call Phone Number of Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital: 041-760390.
Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialised Hospital Visiting Hours:
Saturday, Open 24 hours; Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours; Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday, Open 24 hours
You can also find more Hospital in Khulna from our website.