Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy is a Orthopedic surgeon in Mymensingh. The address of Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy is Pranto Specialized Hospital, Medical college gate, Dhaka-Mymensingh Rd, Mymensingh. If you want to book an appointment to Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy, call in this phone number .
Name: Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy
Specialty / Type: Orthopedic surgeon
Phone Number for Appointment:
Address: Pranto Specialized Hospital, Medical college gate, Dhaka-Mymensingh Rd, Mymensingh
Location: Mymensingh
For any more information about Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy, please feel free to call this phone number . You will be able to know how to book an appointment with Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy.
For further query call Phone Number of Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy: .
Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy Visiting Hours:
You can also find more Orthopedic surgeon in Mymensingh from our website.
Details Information about Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy
Name: Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy
Specialty / Type: Orthopedic surgeon
Phone Number for Appointment:
Address: Pranto Specialized Hospital, Medical college gate, Dhaka-Mymensingh Rd, Mymensingh
Location: Mymensingh
Book appointment to Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy
For any more information about Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy, please feel free to call this phone number . You will be able to know how to book an appointment with Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy.
For further query call Phone Number of Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy: .
Dr. Moloy Kumar Roy Visiting Hours:
You can also find more Orthopedic surgeon in Mymensingh from our website.