Union Specialized Hospital is a Specialized Private Hospital in Mymensingh. The address of Union Specialized Hospital is 337, Charpara(West side of Charpara Mor), Mymensingh. You can book
your appointment over a phone call in this number: 01845 973549, 01958280000, 01958 280001, 091-65301.
Details Information of Union Specialized Hospital
Name: Union Specialized Hospital Mymensingh
Specialty / Type: Specialized Private Hospital
Phone Number: 01845 973549, 01958280000, 01958 280001, 091-65301
Address: 337, Charpara(West side of Charpara Mor), Mymensingh
Location: Mymensingh
Website: facebook.com/unionhospital/
Union Specialized Hospital Doctor List
The best specialist doctor list of Union Specialized Hospital is given below with doctors specialty and qualifications.
Call 01845 973549, 01958280000, 01958 280001, 091-65301 to book appointment with these doctors of Union Specialized Hospital.
Dr. Foysal Kader Choudury Emon
MBBS, BCS(Health)
Specialist: Eye
Suterday, Monday & Wednesday
Dr. Sabiha Parvin Liza
Specialist: Neonatal & Child Diseases
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari
MBBS, CCD (BIRDEM), MD (Internal Medicine), MACP (USA)
Specialist: Medicine & Diabetologist
Except Friday
Dr. Md. Samsul Islam Razib
Specialist: Neuromedicine
Sunday, Monday Tueasday (10am-4pm)
Prof. Dr. Hasibur Rahaman
Specialist: Dermatology
Every Monday 10am-1pm
Dr. farhana Rima
Specialist: Dental
10am-4pm (Sun, Mon & Tuesday)
Dr. Sultan Ahmed
MBBS (Dhaka), MD (Medicine), MACP (USA)
Specialist: Medicine
Dr. Shanjida Shamsi
MBBS (Gold Medalist), BCS (Health), FCPS (OBGYN)
Specialist: Gynecologist & Surgeon
Dr. Parvez Rahman Khan
Specialist: Cardiology & Diabetes
Except Friday
Dr. Md. Kamruzzaman
Specialist: Child Diseases
Excepy Sunday
Dr. Akter Jahan
MBBS, DGO (OBGYN), FCPS (OBGYN), Training (Infertility)
Specialist: Gynecology, Infertility & Surgeon
Suterday, Tueasday, Thrustday
Dr. M.K. Shafi
MBBS, BCS (Health), DLO (ENT)
Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
Dr. Md. Nurunnabi
Specialist: Child Diseases
Dr. Nitai Chandra Roy
MBBS, MD (Nephrology), MCPS (Medicine), MACP (USA)
Specialist: Kidney Diseases & Medicine
Dr. Md. Saiful Islam
MBBS, D-Ortho
Specialist: Orthopedic Surgery
Except Friday
For any more information about Union Specialized Hospital, please call this 01845 973549, 01958280000, 01958 280001, 091-65301 number. A receptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from Union Specialized Hospital. You can also ask for any doctors list in Union Specialized Hospital, Mymensingh by calling this phone number 01845 973549, 01958280000, 01958 280001, 091-65301.
Union Specialized Hospital Location:
337, Charpara(West side of Charpara Mor), Mymensingh, Mymensingh
Contact No: 01845 973549, 01958280000, 01958 280001, 091-65301
Union Specialized Hospital is listed in TopDoctorsBD website. You can find more Doctor Information and Specialized Private Hospital in Mymensingh and from our website.
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