South Universal Medical Services - Diagnostics and Doctors Chamber in Barishal

South Universal Medical Services is a Diagnostics and Doctors Chamber in Barishal. The address of South Universal Medical Services is Muktijoddha Bhabon, Opposite to Sonali Bank, East Bogura Road, Barishal 8200. You can book your appointment over a phone call in this number: 01751421521.

Details Information of South Universal Medical Services
Name: South Universal Medical Services

Phone Number: 01751421521

Address: Muktijoddha Bhabon, Opposite to Sonali Bank, East Bogura Road, Barishal 8200


Location: Barishal


South Universal Medical Services Doctor List

The best specialist doctor list of South Universal Medical Services is given below with doctors specialty and qualifications.

Call 01751421521 to book appointment with these doctors of South Universal Medical Services.

Dr. Toybur Rahaman
Specialist: Gynecology
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Friday off)

Dr. Md. Saiful Islam
MBBS, BCS (Health), PGT (Medicine)
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Thursday, Friday & Sat off)

Dr. Monirul Islam
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Neurosurgery)
Specialist: Brain, Spine & Nerve specialist & Surgeon
Visiting Hour: Every Friday 9am-4pm

Dr. Prodip Kumar Marmokar
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery)
Specialist: General & Laparoscopy Surgeon
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Mon & Friday off)

Dr. Md. Abdullah Al Mamun
MBBS,BCS (Health),  FCPS (ENT)
Specialist: Nose, Ear, Thought
Visiting Hour: 4pm-7pm (Friday off)

Dr. Sinigdha Chokroboty
Specialist: Gynecology
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Thursday & Friday off)

Dr. Sudip Kumar Holder
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-Ortho
Specialist: Orthopedics
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Thursday & Friday off)

Dr. A J M Emrul Kayes
MBBS, MACP, MD (Medicine)
Specialist: Medicine & Hormone
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Sat, Sun, Mon & Tuesday)

Dr. ANM Moynul Islam
MBBS, Mphil (Radiotherapy), BCS (Health)
Specialist: Cancer & Tumer
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Thursday, Friday & Sat off)

Dr. AKM Ariful Hoque
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Child)
Specialist: Neonatal & Child
Visiting Hour: 5pm-10pm (Except Friday)

For any more information about South Universal Medical Services, please call this 01751421521 number. A receptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from South Universal Medical Services. You can also ask for any doctors list in South Universal Medical Services, Barishal by calling this phone number 01751421521.

South Universal Medical Services Location:
Muktijoddha Bhabon, Opposite to Sonali Bank, East Bogura Road, Barishal 8200, Barishal
Contact No: 01751421521

South Universal Medical Services is listed in TopDoctorsBD website. You can find more Doctor Information and Diagnostics and Doctors Chamber in Barishal and from our website. 

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