Seba Hospital is a Hospital in Debidwar. The address of Seba Hospital is Comilla - Sylhet Hwy, Debidwar. You can book your appointment over a phone call in this number 01719-804879.
Name: Seba Hospital
Specialty / Type: Hospital
Phone Number for Appointment: 01719-804879
Address: Comilla - Sylhet Hwy, Debidwar
Location: Debidwar
For any more information about Seba Hospital, please call this 01719-804879 number. A reciptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from Seba Hospital. You can also ask for doctors list in Seba Hospital, Debidwar by calling this phone number 01719-804879.
Seba Hospital Opening Hours:
Saturday, Open 24 hours; Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours; Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday, Open 24 hours
Details Information about Seba Hospital
Name: Seba Hospital
Specialty / Type: Hospital
Phone Number for Appointment: 01719-804879
Address: Comilla - Sylhet Hwy, Debidwar
Location: Debidwar
Seba Hospital Doctor List
For any more information about Seba Hospital, please call this 01719-804879 number. A reciptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from Seba Hospital. You can also ask for doctors list in Seba Hospital, Debidwar by calling this phone number 01719-804879.
Seba Hospital Opening Hours:
Saturday, Open 24 hours; Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours; Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday, Open 24 hours