Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center is a Diagnostic center in Rajshahi. The address of Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center is Laxmipur More, 167 Sher Shah Rd, Rajshahi 6000. You can book your appointment over a phone call in this number 01794-774369.
Name: Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center
Specialty / Type: Diagnostic center
Phone Number for Appointment: 01794-774369
Address: Laxmipur More, 167 Sher Shah Rd, Rajshahi 6000
Rajshahi 6000
Location: Rajshahi
For any more information about Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center, please call this 01794-774369 number. A reciptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center. You can also ask for doctors list in Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center, Rajshahi by calling this phone number 01794-774369.
Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center Opening Hours:
Saturday, 8AM to 10PM; Sunday, 8AM to 10PM; Monday, 8AM to 10PM; Tuesday, 8AM to 10PM; Wednesday, 8AM to 10PM; Thursday, 8AM to 10PM; Friday, Closed
Details Information about Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center
Name: Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center
Specialty / Type: Diagnostic center
Phone Number for Appointment: 01794-774369
Address: Laxmipur More, 167 Sher Shah Rd, Rajshahi 6000
Rajshahi 6000
Location: Rajshahi
Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center Doctor List
For any more information about Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center, please call this 01794-774369 number. A reciptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center. You can also ask for doctors list in Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center, Rajshahi by calling this phone number 01794-774369.
Moon Diagnostic & Consultation Center Opening Hours:
Saturday, 8AM to 10PM; Sunday, 8AM to 10PM; Monday, 8AM to 10PM; Tuesday, 8AM to 10PM; Wednesday, 8AM to 10PM; Thursday, 8AM to 10PM; Friday, Closed