Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda) is a Diagnostic center in Dhaka. The address of Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda) is Cha-72/1, Progoti Soroni, Dhaka 1212. If you want to book an appointment to Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda), call in this phone number 01832-820950.
Name: Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda)
Specialty / Type: Diagnostic center
Phone Number for Appointment: 01832-820950
Address: Cha-72/1, Progoti Soroni, Dhaka 1212
Dhaka 1212
Location: Dhaka
For any more information about Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda), please feel free to call this phone number 01832-820950. You will be able to know how to book an appointment with Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda).
For further query call Phone Number of Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda): 01832-820950.
Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda) Visiting Hours:
Saturday, 7AM to 11PM; Sunday, 7AM to 11PM; Monday, 7AM to 11PM; Tuesday, 7AM to 11PM; Wednesday, 7AM to 11PM; Thursday, 7AM to 11PM; Friday, 7AM to 11PM
You can also find more Diagnostic center in Dhaka from our website.
Details Information about Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda)
Name: Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda)
Specialty / Type: Diagnostic center
Phone Number for Appointment: 01832-820950
Address: Cha-72/1, Progoti Soroni, Dhaka 1212
Dhaka 1212
Location: Dhaka
Book appointment to Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda)
For any more information about Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda), please feel free to call this phone number 01832-820950. You will be able to know how to book an appointment with Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda).
For further query call Phone Number of Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda): 01832-820950.
Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda) Visiting Hours:
Saturday, 7AM to 11PM; Sunday, 7AM to 11PM; Monday, 7AM to 11PM; Tuesday, 7AM to 11PM; Wednesday, 7AM to 11PM; Thursday, 7AM to 11PM; Friday, 7AM to 11PM
You can also find more Diagnostic center in Dhaka from our website.