BDM Hospital is a Hospital in Dhaka. The address of BDM Hospital is 5, Block-B, 17 Humaund Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207. You can book your appointment over a phone call in this number 02-9130555, 02-9133712.
![BDM Hospital](
Name: BDM Hospital
Specialty / Type: Hospital
Phone Number for Appointment: 02-9130555, 02-9133712
Address: 5, Block-B, 17 Humaund Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207
Dhaka 1207
Location: Dhaka
Details Information about BDM Hospital
Name: BDM Hospital
Specialty / Type: Hospital
Phone Number for Appointment: 02-9130555, 02-9133712
Address: 5, Block-B, 17 Humaund Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207
Dhaka 1207
Location: Dhaka
For any more information about BDM Hospital, please call this 02-9130555, 02-9133712 number. A reciptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from BDM Hospital. You can also ask for doctors list in BDM Hospital, Dhaka by calling this phone number 02-9130555, 02-9133712.
BDM Hospital Doctor List
Prof. Dr. AKM Jahir Uddin - Orthopedic Surgeon - Appointment: 01552305262
For any more information about BDM Hospital, please call this 02-9130555, 02-9133712 number. A reciptionist will tell you how to book an appointment or get any service from BDM Hospital. You can also ask for doctors list in BDM Hospital, Dhaka by calling this phone number 02-9130555, 02-9133712.
BDM Hospital & Diagnostic Centre